How is Coaching Different?
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English articles

Which are the core competencies in coaching?

by Ravier Leonardo18 enero, 2015

Coaching Competencies


Discuss the relationship between the different proposals coaching skills

Tiempo de lectura

14 minutes (whole external debate)


RAVIER, L., "Which are the Core Competencies in Coaching?" [on line], The Coaching Commons, 2008. [date of consultation January 25, 2015]. Available in


Foto (CC BY-SA 4.0): "Keys To Nowhere" de Daniel Lee

Citar artículo

RAVIER, L., "Which are the Core Competencies in Coaching?" [en línea], International Non Directive Coaching Society, 2015. [fecha de consulta DÍA de MES de AÑO]. Disponible en

One of the most important research areas within the world of coaching would be determined by the study of the necessary and sufficient skills to be a coach or a “good” coach.

A few years ago, when we compared the competencies determined by the ICF (International Coach Federation) with the “old” IAC (International Association of Coaches) we saw a big difference in approaches. Today, the “new” IAC (International Association of Coaching) seems to have greater alignment and unity of approaches (See table below).


A curious fact is that Thomas Leonard was the founder of both associations, which indicates that the gap is caused by the evolution of each institution, or by the natural need for “differentiation” to win market share. Thus, systems of certification of the ICF and the “old” IAC arrived in different conception of coaching.

However, the ICF and IAC are not the only ones who have determined what would be the core competencies in coaching. So, just to take one more example, the ‚Äö√Ñ√∫Association for Coaching‚Äö√Ñ√π has also identified a competency framework “(AC Competency Framework) that involves the coach, the client, and the relationship between both of them. If we add to this, the hundreds of national associations at the international level in each of our countries of residence, the disparity is becoming more evident.

Do you think that within disparities exist some fundamental common denominator?

Do you notice, a narrowing of the IAC to the conceptualization of the ICF?

What are, in your opinion, the most important competencies?

I’d love to hear your opinions.

Read the original debate here:

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Ravier Leonardo
ESPAÑA // Leonardo Ravier es doctor en economía por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) y en psicología por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Autor de la "Teoría General del Coaching" (primera tesis doctoral y sistematización teórica de la disciplina y profesión del coaching que, además, obtuvo la máxima calificación posible: "Sobresaliente cum laude"). Fundador de la International Non Directive Coaching Society (INDCS), marca y entorno que facilita la autogestión en red del movimiento internacional del coaching no directivo, de manera voluntaria y gratuita en base a los principios de libertad, responsabilidad y coherencia frente a la idea y práctica de la no directividad en el coaching.

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