How Effective is the GROW Model?
GROW Model
Openly discuss it´s usefulness
16 minutes (whole external debate)
RAVIER, L., "How Effective is the GROW Model?" [on line], The Coaching Commons, 2008. [date of consultation January 25, 2015]. Available in
Foto (CC BY-SA 4.0): "Growing the Pie" de
RAVIER, L., "How Effective is the GROW Model?" [en línea], International Non Directive Coaching Society, 2015. [fecha de consulta DÍA de MES de AÑO]. Disponible en
Possibly the best known worldwide coaching model was developed by Alexander Graham (1) at the end of 1970. In Europe, this model was spread, mainly, by John Whitmore.
The acronym “GROW” (2) refers to the typical process of coaching conversation:
Goals – at this stage the process focuses on the goals that the client wishes to achieve, not only from the specific coaching session, but also in the longer term.
Reality – this is a time for exploring the real nature of the problem, ensuring that the session is not sidetracked by false assumptions, and for gathering information that will shed light on the realistic issue. It is not a time for problem solving.
Options – This stage of the process explores the possible options of behavior or decisions that will lead to the right solution.
Wrap Up or Will – At this stage the focus moves onto what the client is going to do in terms of specific steps to reach the goal. It is also a stage of examining the potential obstacles that may arise and of discussing ways of overcoming them, and of agreeing the resources needed and the nature of further support.
For Coaching Commons readers, I have three questions:
- How effective is “GROW” model on real process of coaching?
- Is it useful to anyone, any purpose, and any context?
- What are its limits (if any)?
Read the original debate here: